
My Mirror carp in fish tank / Spiegelkarpfen im Aquarium [2/2]

My Mirror carp in fish tank / Spiegelkarpfen im Aquarium [2/2] Video Clips. Duration : 2.00 Mins.

TAKE A LOOK AT MY OTHER VIDEOS www.fischbottich.de +++ [Cyprinus carpio morpha noblis] +++ I got this mirror carp since June 2008. He's ca. 9cm (ca. 3,5inch) long and has a calm behavior with also not being that excited as the prussian carps by getting sight of me (unfortunately not of being happy to see me, they just think they'll get some food). As you can see in the video, he is always swimming around and looking for something to eat. Unlike the other larger fish in my tank (prussian carp, rudds, even the tench) he's frequently in the heavily vegetated part of the tank between the big plants. +++ The population of this 200 liter (53 gallon) tank: Stone loach / Bachschmerlen [Barbatula barbatula] Rudd / Rotfedern [Scardinius erythrophthalmus] European bitterling / Bitterlinge [Rhodeus amarus] Prussian Carp / Giebel [Carassius gibelio] Tench / Schleie [Tinca tinca] European Chub / Döbel auch Alet, Aitel oder Eite (Leuciscus cephalus) Gudgeon / Gründling [Gobio gobio] Barbel / Flussbarbe [Barbus barbus]

Keywords: fish, tank, aquarium, pond, freshwater, planted, aquatic, water, europe, coldwater, light, gallon, liter, kaltwasser, heimisch, fische, endemic, fluss, bach, gewässer, Teich, Weiher, Tümpel, einheimisch, See, sea, unterwasser, aufnahme, endemisch, europäisch, Aue, wildfische, Fauna, Mitteleuropa, Biotop, Süßwasser, Süsswasser, Gartenteich, Flosse, Hornkraut, Vallisneria, elodea, füttern, schwimmen, Natur, Schwarm, plants, Pflanzen, Becken, Gesellschaft, Kiemen, Hobby, Aquaristik, Wirbellose, Tiere, Eurasien, Äquator

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