
Reverse Osmosis and Deionization: Are They genuinely Necessary?

Aquarium care is a labor of love, there is a lot complicated in development these gorgeous underwater habitats. Many fish-aficionados understand the point of clean water in the tank, and therefore the point of reverse osmosis and deionization. First let's take a look at what exactly these do:

Reverse Osmosis
This process filters water straight through a permeable membrane. This membrane in turn filters out unwanted heavy metals, nitrates, chemicals like pesticides and herbicides, chlorine and other unnatural and unwanted contaminants. Just as these contaminants are harmfully for us, they are even more harmful to your fish due to the build up due to their smaller size.

Aquatic Plants For Aquariums

Deionization is another form of purification, but it works straight through ion exchange. It would take an developed degree to fully understand the process, but plainly put it replaces the unwanted parts with water particles.
What the Heck is the Difference?

Reverse Osmosis and Deionization: Are They genuinely Necessary?

Fluval Flora Aquatic Plant Kit, 7.9-gallon Best

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Fluval Flora Aquatic Plant Kit, 7.9-gallon Feature

  • 7.9-gallon glass aquatic plant aquarium with cover
  • Fully-equipped with the key components to create ideal environment for natural plants
  • Mini CO2 system ensures the plants receive their most important nutrient to maintain a lush and healthy appearance
  • Internal filter ensures proper filtration, for clear water and a healthy environment
  • 11.8 inches long, 11.8 inches wide, 13.75 inches high; 2-year warranty

Fluval Flora Aquatic Plant Kit, 7.9-gallon Overview

The Fluval Flora Aquatic Plant Kit is equipped with everything you need to create the ideal aquatic environment for natural plants. The Fluval Nano internal filter ensures proper filtration, for clear water and a healthy environment, while the balanced full-spectrum lighting promotes vigorous plant growth. A key component in the Fluval Flora Aquatic Plant Kit is the CO2 supply system. The Fluval Kit includes a reliable Mini CO2 system to ensure that nature's most important plant nutrient is available to maintain vigorous, lush and vibrant plant growth. The Kit includes: Fluval Stratum, which helps stimulate plant growth, along with Nutrafin Plant Gro which promotes vigorous growth and colors in plants. The Fluval Flora Aquatic Plant Kit is perfect for anyone who wants to grow their own plant life right at home, while also acting as a suitable aquarium for your fish!

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 31, 2011 08:27:04

Both processes essentially do the same task, of removing unwanted impurities from the water. Often these two are used in mixture to take off the most impurities. The reverse osmosis removes the bulk and then a deionization filter will take off the rest.

Is this Necessary?
This depends on your tank, and your commitment to your fish. Some aquariums, such as saltwater tanks with corals and anemones will need this processing, as will very delicate fish, Discus for example. For most amateurs this will not be necessary, but for more difficult aquariums they will need a more delicate balance. Keep in mind that when you take off the impurities straight through reverse osmosis or deionization, you will need to replace some of the wanted minerals that are removed in the process.

In order to decide if this is necessary, you will want to consult a professional with regard to your exact aquarium setup. You will also want to test your water periodically, to see if the water arrival out of the tap is pure enough for aquarium use. You will also want to know the ability of your water pipes, because leaching from old pipes is very toxic for our maritime friends.

Maintaining your filter is important, so be ready to test and accomplish light maintenance on your reverse osmosis and deionization filters periodically. A flush kit will help you keep the filters clean and ensure that they last as long as possible. Using a flush kit is a cheap way to increase the life of your high-priced filters.
Remember that our aquatic amigos have a much more delicate internal filtration principles than we do and even small changes in water lucidity can be enough to cause damage or death. Regular water testing and maintenance can be critical, a literal matter of life and death.

Reverse Osmosis and Deionization: Are They genuinely Necessary?[HD] Stunning Kobalt Discus pair with fry / Diskus Jungfische @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2010 [32/53] Video Clips. Duration : 3.63 Mins.

TAKE A LOOK AT MY OTHER VIDEOS www.fischbottich.de +++ This isnone of my own tanks. In this video you can see a fish tank of a fishkeeping fair near my hometown (in Duisburg) called: "13. Zierfische & Aquarium - 8. Internationales Diskus Championat - Duisburg 2010". We have videos of many tanks of this fair. 30th of September 2010 (30.09.2010) +++ The population of this tank: - more coming soon (If you are intrested in helping me classifying the other species in this tank, post your suggestions) +++ Intro: 5xLMusic Weitere Informationen unter www.youtube.com +++ Veröffentlichung des Videomaterials mit der freundlichen Genehmigung der Zoo Zajac GmbH. Weitere Informationen unter www.zajac.de

Tags: 8th, International, Discus, Championship, Aquaristik, Messe, fair, Duisburg, show, monster, big, giant, huge, adult, fully, grown, fish, tank, aquarium, freshwater, planted, aquatic, water, tropical, light, gallon, liter, warmwasser, fische, tropisch, pond, coldwater, kaltwasser, heimisch, endemic, fluss, gewässer, Teich, See, sea, unterwasser, aufnahme, endemisch, wildfische, Fauna, Biotop, Süßwasser, Süsswasser, Flosse, schwimmen, Natur, Schwarm, plants, Pflanzen, Becken, Gesellschaft, Hobby, Wirbellose, Tiere, 03, lzz


Check Out Aquarium Plants: The Practical Guide (Euro Ed.) for $49.99

Aquarium Plants: The Practical Guide (Euro Ed.) Best

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Aquarium Plants: The Practical Guide (Euro Ed.) Overview


Through this brilliant, unparalleled photography, hands-on experience, and detailed research, the author is able to present - in easy to read terms - this well organized and knowledgeable book of aquarium plants.

Armed with the information contained in this book, anyone can become an accomplished plant aquarist.

The variety of plants in this book reflects what is available today. Many new varieties have resulted from grower's interest in sport selection and hybridization.

The correct choice of light, coupled with proper nutrition, will cause your plants to flourish.

The author explains in simple terms, exactly how to set up your tank to accomplish the lush plant growth documented photographically in this book. If you follow the author's formula, you also will be able to grow plants as beautiful as those seen in the 200 brilliant photos of this book. The dark age of plastic plants is a thing of the past!

This Edition is in the following languages: ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, DUTCH.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 30, 2011 04:56:55


Great Price AquaticMagic for

Pellia - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Fish Tank Best

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Pellia - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Fish Tank Feature

  • You are winning 1 portion of Pellia (each portion 2" by 2")
  • Jelly-like plant, which is suitable to tie to driftwood to form an elegant aquascape
  • Excellent choice for low maintenance tanks as this plant is undemanding for light, CO2 and nutrients.
  • Recommended for shrimps as they love to seek shelter below the moss
  • Able to withstand a great variety of water conditions

Pellia - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Fish Tank Overview

- Can be tied to driftwood with sewing thread or fishing line- No carbon dioxide injection required for healthy growth

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 29, 2011 01:26:33


planted tank 130gallon video3

planted tank 130gallon video3 Video Clips. Duration : 7.70 Mins.

130 gallon planted tank part 3

Keywords: Fish, freshwater fish, tropical fish, Tank, fish tank, aquarium, large tank Pets, wet pets, water pets, Plants, aquatic plants, underwater plants, fertilizing plants, growing, co2, diy co2, diy tank stand, diy tank lighting, t5 lighting, aqua scapeing, planted tank, tank planting, aquatic wildlife, how to build, large aquariums, aquarium project, fish tank project, aquarium lighting, tropical paradise, stress releaf, fish hobby, aquarium hobby, fish keeping hobby, fishtanktv.com, partyonman, 1959


Rummy-nose tetra / Rotkopfsalmler @ Kölner Zoo [51/52]

Rummy-nose tetra / Rotkopfsalmler @ Kölner Zoo [51/52] Video Clips. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

TAKE A LOOK AT MY OTHER VIDEOS www.fischbottich.de +++ This is atank of the Zoo Aquarium of the Cologne Zoo called "Kölner Zoo". It's the footage of the 3rd Zoo Trip for fischbottich.de. +++ We have a video of each tank in this Zoo. 27th of March 2009 (27.03.2009) For scale: The front glass panel is 1,2 meter (3.93 feet) high. +++ The population of this tank: Rummy-nose tetra / Blehers Rotkopfsalmler (Hemigrammus bleheri) Marbled hatchetfish / Marmorierter Beilbauchsalmler (Carnegiella strigata) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung des Kölner Zoos. Weitere Informationen unter www.koelnerzoo.de

Tags: zoo, monster, big, giant, huge, adult, fully, grown, fish, tank, aquarium, freshwater, planted, aquatic, water, tropical, warmwater, light, gallon, liter, warmwasser, fische, tropisch, pond, coldwater, kaltwasser, heimisch, endemic, fluss, bach, gewässer, Teich, Weiher, Tümpel, einheimisch, See, sea, unterwasser, aufnahme, endemisch, europäisch, Aue, wildfische, Fauna, Biotop, Süßwasser, Süsswasser, Flosse, schwimmen, Natur, Schwarm, plants, Pflanzen, Becken, Gesellschaft, Kiemen, Hobby, Aquaristik, Wirbellose, Tiere, 03, lzz


Great Price Coralife 06023 for

Coralife Aqueon 06023 Aquarium Plant Food, 8-Ounce Quality Best

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Coralife Aqueon 06023 Aquarium Plant Food, 8-Ounce Feature

  • Dosage may need to be adjusted depending on the amount of plants and the desired growth rate
  • Not intended for food crop sites
  • Contains kelp extract
  • Made in the USA

Coralife Aqueon 06023 Aquarium Plant Food, 8-Ounce Overview

Aqueon Aquaruim Plant Food provides essential macro and micro nutrients for lush freshwater plant growth. Also contains kelp extract, a source of cytokinin, to encourage strong root development.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 24, 2011 09:38:26


Planted aquarium - Acvariu plantat

Planted aquarium - Acvariu plantat Tube. Duration : 3.00 Mins.

Cardinal tetra, ramirezi, Ancistrus sp. var. albino,Crossocheilus siamensis (SAE)

Tags: planted, tank, aquarium, acvariu, acvaristica, tropical, fish, aquatic, plants, CO2, ciprianmarcu


Great Price for

An Essential Guide to Choosing Your Pond Fish and Aquatic Plants (Pondmasters Series) Quality Best

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An Essential Guide to Choosing Your Pond Fish and Aquatic Plants (Pondmasters Series) Overview

Volumes in this new Tankmasters series present aquarium enthusiasts with the facts they need to create beautiful and healthful environments for fish and other aquatic life. Dazzling color photographs with detailed, informative captions and step-by-step instructions will quickly turn beginners into capable aquarium hobbyists, while providing advice and ideas that will inspire experienced fish keepers to add variety and interest to their tanks and ponds. Handsomely laid-out pages present essential information at a glance. This volume shows and describes more than 70 freshwater tropical fish suitable for indoor tanks. Tetras, cichlids, angelfish, and many other varieties are described with advice on care and information on compatibility with other fish. More than 200 stunning color photos

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 22, 2011 03:56:35


Great Price Beckett Corporation PBS1010 for $6.26

Beckett Aquatic Plant Accessories Aquatic Plant Baskets Model PBS1010 Quality Best

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Beckett Aquatic Plant Accessories Aquatic Plant Baskets Model PBS1010 Feature

  • Prevents damage to roots by fish
  • Protects and secures aquatic plants
  • Allows plants to be repositioned
  • Open screen sides and bottom to help promote a healthy root system
  • Adds a natural habitat for your fish

Beckett Aquatic Plant Accessories Aquatic Plant Baskets Model PBS1010 Overview

Beckett Water Gardening Medium Square Aquatic Plant Basket

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 21, 2011 01:23:08


My Newly Planted 5.5 nano

My Newly Planted 5.5 nano Tube. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

My Newly aquascaped 5.5 nano tank

Tags: nano, fish, tank, aqurium, aquascape, amano, 5.5, gallons, aquatic, plants, AGA, nature, iwagumi, style, maromi, nick


Great Price Coralife 06028 for $6.49

Aqueon 06028 Aquarium Plant Food, 3-Ounce Quality Best

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Aqueon 06028 Aquarium Plant Food, 3-Ounce Feature

  • Dosage may need to be adjusted depending on the amount of plants and the desired growth rate
  • Not intended for food crop sites
  • Contains kelp extract
  • Made in the USA

Aqueon 06028 Aquarium Plant Food, 3-Ounce Overview

Aqueon Aquaruim Plant Food provides essential macro and micro nutrients for lush freshwater plant growth. Also contains kelp extract, a source of cytokinin, to encourage strong root development.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 18, 2011 05:30:19


Peaceful Tropical Fish

Peaceful Tropical Fish Video Clips. Duration : 4.37 Mins.

This was my peaceful tropical fish tank with angelfish, Guppy, Cardinal Tetra and bristlenose. All the fish in the movie were gone! but they gave us lot of fun and good memories. Hope you enjoy the piece, thanks! petcaregarden.com for more Pet Care Info... Tropical Fish Secrets http The Kick-Butt Aquarium ac0a31m4jp9-3w7izif9qj0s3l.hop.clickbank.net The Ultimate Guide To Tropical Fish 6d0ba1g4jmmuem49fc6p0jqk0b.hop.clickbank.net

Keywords: Angelfish, Cardinal, Tetra, Guppy, Bristlenose, Tank, Aquarium, Plant, leisureday


new world cichlid tank

new world cichlid tank Video Clips. Duration : 2.37 Mins.

Tags: oscarfish, oscar, fish, auqua, pet, help, aquapethelp, sand, cichlid, parrotfish, parrot, aquarium, water, plants, pot, bubles, air, pump, heater hagen, Aquatic


How To Build a Water Garden Pond from a Swimming Pool

How To Build a Water Garden Pond from a Swimming Pool Tube. Duration : 9.90 Mins.

Mike Gannon, THE POND HUNTER, of Full Service Aquatics shows you how to convert an old swimming pool into a beautiful water garden pond with koi fish, aquatic plants, and a landscape design. Thanks for watching THE POND HUNTER video series, and please visit our official sites! www.fullserviceaquatics.com http www.twitter.com

Tags: pond, construction, water garden, koi, goldfish, fish, tropical, aquatic, plants, lily, aquarium, koi pond, installation, flemington, summit, madison, nj, new, jersey, mike, gannon, waterfall, pond hunter, the, Hunter


Great Price Nature for $12.00

Nature 6.5 Inch Curved Aquatic Plant Scissors Quality Best

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Nature 6.5 Inch Curved Aquatic Plant Scissors Feature

  • Stainless Steel
  • Provides precise trimming of aquatic plants with ease.
  • 6.5 inches in length
  • Perfect use with Nature's Pure 6x6x6 inch or 7x7x7 inch Cube or Cylinder Aquariums.

Nature 6.5 Inch Curved Aquatic Plant Scissors Overview

Aquatic Plant Curve Scissors 6.5 Inch. INFORMATION: Nature Aquatic Plant Scissors provide precise pruning when manipulating aquatic plants for layout and growth in an aquarium. DIRECTIONS: 1. Open Scissors just wide enough to surround the plant stem. 2. Check to make sure your hands are away from the scissors sharp cutting end. 3. Close scissors around stem to cut.

Available at Amazon This price decline. Quick before it all the time.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 12, 2011 07:56:34


planted tank 130 gallon video2

planted tank 130 gallon video2 Tube. Duration : 1.97 Mins.

this video covers my lighting for the 130 gallon tank. It's T5 high output floresent lights with Tek-2 reflectors. Also using LED moon lighting. Bulbs are 39watt each x 8 = 312Watts divided by 130 = 2.4 watts per gallon

Tags: Fish, freshwater fish, tropical fish, Tank, fish tank, aquarium, large tank Pets, wet pets, water pets, Plants, aquatic plants, underwater plants, fertilizing plants, growing, co2, diy co2, diy tank stand, diy tank lighting, t5 lighting, aqua scapeing, planted tank, tank planting, aquatic wildlife, how to build, large aquariums, aquarium project, fish tank project, aquarium lighting, tropical paradise, stress releaf, fish hobby, aquarium hobby, fish keeping hobby, fishtanktv.com, partyonman, 1959


Lake Hemianthus

Lake Hemianthus Tube. Duration : 3.45 Mins.

Mein Wohnzimmerteich 2009

Keywords: lakehemianthus, Aquarium, Einrichtungsbeispiele, Aquarium-Fan, MV, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Tank, Nature, Hemianthus, Plants, Fish, Fisch, Wasser, Wasserpflanzen, Water, Layout, Amano, Elmenhorst, Roevi, Spezial


Great Price Mother Nature for

Nano Marimo Ball x 5 pcs - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Fish Tank Quality Best

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Nano Marimo Ball x 5 pcs - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Fish Tank Overview

Excellent gift for your friend or loved ones to signify everlasting love....The Japanese believe that Marimo will bring good luck. Hence, they grow it in a glass bottle with just some water & ceiling light. Water change is only required once every 2 weeksMarimo is a very popular plant in Japan. Currently protected by the authorities to prevent extinction. The growth rate of Marimo is about 5 mm per year. Hence a nano marimo is about 2 years old!.This plant does NOT cause algae problem.Propagate by dividing into smaller pieces, which become spherical over time.Negligible maintenance required.

Available at Amazon This price decline. Quick before it all the time.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 08, 2011 23:53:04


125 Litre Tropical Fish Tank Setup : July 2010

125 Litre Tropical Fish Tank Setup : July 2010 Video Clips. Duration : 4.55 Mins.

An update video of my main tropical tank the Fluval Roma 125. All details of the tank are included in the video. Currently using a Fluval U3 filter, with a Rena Air 200 air pump. Check out these links; YouTube: www.youtube.com Twitter: http:/www.twitter.com/onlinefishtank Flickr: www.flickr.com Visit the OnlineFishTank blog for extra stuff; Blog: www.onlinefishtank.blogspot.com Buy shares in this company! Visit http

Keywords: 125 litre aquarium, fluval roma, fluval roma 125, fluval, roma, 125, litre, tropical, planted, aquarium, blue, pearl, golden, gourami, rosy, moss, spanner, barb, pakistani, zebra, yoyo, loach, bristlenose, albino, plec, hillstream, hong, kong, dalmation, black, white, molly, mollies, plants, java, fern, crypt, anubias, marimo, ball, aquascape, tank, aquatic, garden, Online, Fish


Check Out Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Aquascape Fish Tank

Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Aquascape Fish Tank Quality Best

Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Aquascape Fish Tank Feature

  • You are winning 1 bunch of Narrow Leaf Java fern (20 leaves)
  • One of the most sought-after plant, which promises excellent background effect in your tank.
  • Supply is frequently short due to overwhelming demand, so grab yours quick!
  • Ideal for designing tanks that replicate tropical habitats. They can be tied to driftwood or plastic mesh to form a "fern wall" as a delicate backdrop.
  • Easy to maintain as they doesn't require high light, CO2 or nutrients. Recommended for Discus tanks as well because ferns can tolerate much higher temperature compared to moss.

Narrow Leaf Java Fern - Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant for Aquascape Fish Tank Overview

The Java Fern has very distinguished characteristics from most other aquatic plants. More than just beautiful, this plant is quite undemanding and easy to cultivate, even doing well in lowly lit tanks and without extra nutrients or CO2.It's also an ideal plant to use in setups that contain burrowing or vegetarian fishes, since in general they will not disturb it. This plant should not be buried in the gravel, but rather fixed to rocks and driftwood, leaving its roots loose in the water. The roots eventually attach themselves to the rock or wood.When well adapted, it reproduces easily, and the reproduction is quite interesting: the daughter plants are born on the edge of the leaves of the mother plant and grow right there, clinging on it with their little roots.With time the daughters grow until they release themselves from the mother, and float around until they get entangled on something. The hairy roots adhere easily. - Courtesy of Marcos Avila

Available at Amazon This price decline. Quick before it all the time.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 06, 2011 18:24:05


Hemianthus callitrichoides acuario/aquarium 135 Lt

Hemianthus callitrichoides acuario/aquarium 135 Lt Video Clips. Duration : 1.47 Mins.

Modelado Hemianthus callitrichoides mediante poda. Acuario 135 litros en remodelación (110x35x35 cm). Esteban Borie. Chile. www.ecodesigns.cl

Keywords: planted, aquarium, acuario, plantado, Hemianthus, callitrichoides, aquatic, plants, freshwater, tank, cuba, changotron


Monterey Aquarium The World's Best Fish Sea Animals & Aquatic Plants HD

Monterey Aquarium The World's Best Fish Sea Animals & Aquatic Plants HD Tube. Duration : 2.08 Mins.

Monterey Aquarium The World's Best Fish Sea Animals & Aquatic Plants HD

Tags: Monterey, Aquarium, The, World's, Best, Fish, Sea, Animals, Aquatic, Plants, HD, James, hgraff


Check Out 5517 Aquarium Hornwort Aquatic Submerged Plants

5517 Aquarium Hornwort Aquatic Submerged Plants Quality Best

5517 Aquarium Hornwort Aquatic Submerged Plants Feature

  • Natural looking Aquatic Grass Aquarium Decor add beauty and realism to your fish tank
  • Fish love to hide among the grass for safety
  • Once it is under water you will have difficulty telling it from the real thing
  • Use this Aquarium Plastic Grass to enhance visual appeal
  • Material: plastic

5517 Aquarium Hornwort Aquatic Submerged Plants Overview

Package included:1 x 5517 Aquarium Hornwort Aquatic Submerged Plants

Available at Amazon This price decline. Quick before it all the time.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 04, 2011 00:01:05